4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Cancer Care Team

two men smiling at each other

Facing a cancer diagnosis is often overwhelming. Your cancer care team plays an integral role in your treatment journey, and selecting the right experts to meet your unique needs can ensure you receive the best care possible. Here are 4 tips for choosing a cancer care team for you or a loved one:

1. Personalized Care

One of the most important aspects of an outstanding cancer care team is a personalized approach, tailored to your unique needs. Everyone's cancer journey is distinct, and a one-size-fits-all plan is often less effective. Choose a care team that takes time to understand you, your medical history, lifestyle, goals, and personal preferences. Ask questions about their approach to ensure the selected team will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that considers all available options for your physical and emotional well-being. The Mass General Cancer Center at Emerson takes pride in our patient-centered approach. Our experienced cancer specialists are committed to understanding each patient's circumstances to create personalized treatment plans. We value communication and actively involve patients in decision-making processes.

2. Access to Clinical Trials

Trials offer patients access to innovative therapies and medications that may not be available through standard treatment methods. When selecting an oncology team, inquire about their involvement in clinical trials and the opportunities they provide for patients to participate.
The Mass General Cancer Center at Emerson gives qualified patients access to clinical trial programs at Mass General Boston, contributing to positive outcomes.

3. Expertise and Experience

The expertise and experience of a cancer care team are crucial factors in delivering effective treatment. Research and ask questions about the credentials of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, nurses, and other providers. Look for board-certified professionals with expertise in treating your specific type of cancer.

Emerson’s team consists of a multidisciplinary group of expert physicians and nurses. Their experience in diagnosing and treating various forms of cancer ensures that patients receive comprehensive and well-coordinated care. The Mass General Cancer Center at Emerson remains at the forefront of cancer treatment by staying up-to-date with the latest medical advancements, such as new and sophisticated diagnostic imaging equipment.

4. Support Services

Cancer treatment can be physically and emotionally taxing, so easy access to comprehensive support services is essential. An exceptional cancer care team should provide counseling, support groups, and wellness resources to help patients and their families navigate challenges that arise during and after treatment.

Emerson's team goes beyond medical care to offer a range of support services, including psychological counseling, rehabilitative services, and support groups. We understand that addressing patients’ emotional and mental well-being is as important as treating the disease.

Choosing the right care team is a pivotal decision in your cancer journey. You can help ensure you receive the best possible care by choosing an experienced team that takes a personalized approach and provides appropriate access to clinical trials and comprehensive support services. You are not alone. The Mass General Cancer Center at Emerson will be by your side every step of the way.

To learn more, visit Emerson Cancer Care

This article was drafted using Chat GPT, and reviewed and updated by our medical experts.