Jocelyn Rubino


Staff Physical Therapist
Jocelyn Rubino, PT, DPT
Clinical Interests
Neurological rehabilitation, pediatric rehabilitation of both neurological and orthopedic issues
Jocelyn graduated from Simmons College with a doctorate in physical therapy after earning her Bachelor of Science in exercise physiology. She has experience in the outpatient setting treating pediatrics and general orthopedics, and more recently in the inpatient rehabilitation setting treating adults with acute neurological conditions post hospitalization. Jocelyn also has experience working as an aquatic therapist for pediatric patients with a variety of neurological and orthopedic conditions. Jocelyn grew up dancing from age 3 through college. When she is not in the clinic, she enjoys assisting an adaptive dance class for children with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. She also enjoys exploring new places, trying new restaurants, hanging out in the city, and spending time with her family and friends.