We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. If necessary, we will aim to respond within three business days. Please note that Emerson Hospital does not provide medical advice, confirm appointments or make medical recommendations through this feedback form. If you have any questions about your health or an appointment, please contact your doctor or health care provider directly.
If you have an urgent question or need assistance about a hospital-based service, it is best to call the department directly. You can find a list of appropriate phone numbers here: emersonhospital.org/Contact-Us. Alternatively, you can call our main line at 978-369-1400 and the operator will connect you.
If you have a compliment or concern about treatment you or a loved one has received you may contact our Quality & Patient Safety department at 978-287-3385.
Emerson Hospital takes your privacy seriously. Please read our privacy policy to learn more about how your data is used.