Internship Competencies Developed Previous Graduate Intern Projects
  • Quantitative Skills
  • Healthcare Issues and Trends
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Organizational Dynamics
  • Personal and Professional Ethics
  • Patient Experience Mapping and Appointment Analytics
  • Develop Staff Competencies
  • Address Practice Needs Through Business Planning
  • Perform Market Research and Analysis on MA Urgent Care Centers

Current Interns

Maeve Sullivan
Maeve Sullivan (Intern 2024) is a Master of Healthcare Administration candidate at Boston College. In May of 2023 she earned a bachelor’s degree majoring in both Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience, as well as Sociology and Anthropology from Fairfield University. Prior to joining Emerson, she co-founded and served as the Vice President of Programming on the executive board of the Alzheimer's Foundation Association at Fairfield University. Additionally, she volunteered as a Pediatric Behavioral Health Aide at a non-profit organization.
Amy Goodhue
Amy Goodhue (Intern 2024) is a Master of Health Administration candidate at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (CAHME Accredited). Amy is pursuing a combined BS/MHA. Prior to working at Emerson, Amy worked as a marketing and development intern at the non-profit organization, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, which focuses on funding research to prevent, slow, or reverse Alzheimer’s disease.
Mia Reine (Intern 2024) is a Master of Health Administration Candidate from Pennsylvania State University (CAHME Accredited). Pursuing an integrated BS/MHA degree, Mia will finalize her BS in Health Policy Administration and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State in the spring of 2024. Before Emerson, she served as a Business Development intern at Behavioral Health Tech, contributing to expanding access to behavioral health care through technology.

Previous Interns

Fiona Maxwell (Intern 2022) is a Master of Health Administration candidate at Virginia Commonwealth University (CAHME accredited). Fiona worked closely with the urology department as an intern. During her time with Emerson, she helped with a business plan to address the future needs of a growing practice. Prior to her graduate work, Fiona earned a bachelor's in healthcare administration from Sacred Heart University.
Ethan Harris (Intern 2022) holds a Master of Public Health degree from the Yale School of Public Health (CEPH Accredited). Ethan provided support as an intern to the cardiology department and he also helped analyze the appointment rates for all of Emerson’s practices. Ethan received his bachelor's in psychology from University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Caroline Radakovich (Intern 2021) is a Master of Science in Health Administration candidate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (CAHME accredited). Caroline worked with the urology department and focused on improving quality and patient outcomes. Prior to starting at UAB, Caroline received her undergraduate degree from Augustana College in health care administration.
Zach Myers (Intern 2019) holds a Master of Health Administration degree from Virginia Commonwealth University (CAHME accredited). Zach served as an intern with Emerson during the summer of 2019, where he worked primarily with the urology department on competency development and standardization. Prior to the graduate program, Zach received his undergraduate degree from VCU in health, physical education, and exercise science.
Mike Tracy (Intern 2018) holds a Master of Health Administration degree from Virginia Commonwealth University (CAHME accredited). Mike served as an intern in 2018, where he spent his summer working with the endocrinology and pulmonary departments. During his internship, Mike performed market research on urgent care centers in Massachusetts, leading to a deeper analysis for the health system. Mike studied psychology at Boston College.