Sunscreen 101: How to Choose the Best Sunscreen
While sunscreen may be one of your best tools to protect against melanoma, choosing among the variety of products can be difficult. Here are things to look for when shopping for skin protection.
Emerson Teams with IMPACT Melanoma to Sponsor 16 Sunscreen Dispensers in Surrounding Communities
Now in its third year, this partnership aims to help residents protect themselves from the damage caused by the sun that can lead to skin cancer.
Strawberry Season!
Learn the health benefits of strawberries and discover new recipes featuring this delicious fruit.
Screen-free Week: Tips for Success and Celebration
The first week of May is Screen-free Week. While the goal is to turn off our devices as much as possible, simply reducing screen time is still a big win. Here are some tips to you help you spend more time offline and enjoy the rewards that come with it.
I Am Fully Vaccinated — What Can I Do Safely?
Now that you are vaccinated, find out what you can reintroduce into your lifestyle.
5 Tips to Boost Your Zoom Confidence
With the increased use of Zoom and other virtual connection platforms, Joanna Ng-Glazier, MD, of Emerson Plastic Surgery Associates provides five tips on how you can optimize your appearance when the computer camera is on.
Using Digital Devices in Healthy Ways
As digital devices become a fixture in all aspects of our lives, it is more important than ever to establish a balanced approach to their use — both for ourselves and our children.
Have a Pandemic Puppy? 12 Ways to Prevent Human Injuries with Your New Best Friend
Many people have adopted a dog during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some helpful tips for new dog owners to avoid unexpected injuries.
Benefits of Farm Fresh Food
In our corner of New England, we’re fortunate to have a number of thriving, family-owned farms nearby. Buying your food directly from a farm offers benefits to both your health and your community.
Tips for Exercising Outside in the Winter
Despite the cold temperatures, winter is a great time to get outside and exercise. Read tips from a student athlete and learn how to keep safe in the cold weather.